Main researcher: Ignacio Blanco

Luis Núñez
María Alcalá-Santaella
Pilar Fernández
María Encina Morales
Cristina Rodríguez
Teresa Torrecillas
Ricardo Vaca
Tamara Vázquez


Main researcher: 
Leopoldo Abad

Carmen Llorente
Magdalena Pretel
María Sánchez
David Santos
Mónica Viñarás


Main researcher: Carmen García


Mercedes del Hoyo
Jesús del Olmo
Leticia Porto


Main researcher: Javier Fernández del Moral


Carmen Fuente
José María Benito
José Bernardo
Sonia Carcelén
Rafael Carrasco
Mónica Díaz
Cristóbal Fernández
Montserrat Mera
Miguel Ãngel Ortiz
José Antonio Ruiz



Main researcher:  Antonio García Jiménez


Beatriz Catalina
María Cruz López
Esther Martínez
Juan Jesús Menor
Manuel Javier Montes
Technical Management: Rosa Cabrera





























Ignacio Blanco Alfonso

Ignacio Blanco Alfonso

Coordinator of PROVULDIG

CEICIN Group. University CEU San Pablo. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación.

Tenured Professor of Journalism at University CEU San Pablo, Ignacio obtained a doctorate degree with a thesis on the journalistic work of José Ortega y Gasset (Extraordinary Doctorate Award, 2003). Specialist in the critical thinking and works of the Madrid philosopher, he was part of the team that researched and edited the philosopher’s Complete Works (10 volumes, Madrid: José Ortega y Gasset Foundation – Taurus, 2004-2010). He is still linked to the Orteguian Studies Center as professor-researcher.
He has collaborated for 15 years with Professor Luis Núñez Ladevéze, with whom he founded the Institute for Democratic Studies in 2008 at the University CEU San Pablo, In 2003, the scientific journal Doxa Comunicación was established, and Professor Blanco has been director of the periodical since 2012. In 2008, he set up the Masters Degree Program in Cultural Journalism, the first official postgraduate degree at a Spanish university specializing in cultural journalism. The 2017/2018 masters degree, which will mark its tenth anniversary, has trained more than 150 journalists specialized in Culture and has passed the Accreditation Renewal process with an excellent evaluation as an official title.
Professor Ignacio Blanco has official accreditation from the ACAP and ANECA, as well as a six-year research period recognized by CNEAI. He began his academic career with an FPI grant and subsequently obtained a postdoctoral fellowship and two international mobility grants. He has participated in 9 competitive R & D projects related to communication and children, the crisis of liberalism in the 20s and 30s, and the European and American intellectual networks of José Ortega y Gasset.
Currently, Professor Blanco is Research Coordinator of the Digital Vulnerability Activities Program (PROVULDIG-CM), a consortium of researchers from Madrid who specialize in studying the ways in which various social groups use the Internet. PROVULDIG-CM is a continuation of the Coordinated Project on Television and Childhood (PROCOTIN), led by Luis Núñez Ladevéze between 2008 and 2011, which started the academic and intellectual relationships that link the 38 researchers belonging to PROVULDIG.
A complete list of the scientific publications of Ignacio Blanco, as well as his participation in national and international congresses, along with the subjects he has taught, can be found at

Luis Nuñez

Luis Nuñez


Professor Nuñez was the driving force behind PROCOTIN, which precluded the PROVULDIG-CM program. Senior Professor of UCM; Vice Dean of Information Sciences; Director of the Masters Degree Program in Corporate Communication, 2007; Advanced Communication 2009 / PhD Program in Social Communication: CEINDO, 2013. Professor of Civil Law; Adjunct Professor of Public Opinion and Journalistic Writing; Numerary Tenured Professor at UAB and UCM.


Doctorate courses and International programs at the following Universities: Uruguay Catholic University 1994; Argentina (Austral, UBA), Chile (Catholic University, Gabriel Mistral University, Salvador Allende University, Santos Ossa Antofagasta University); Mexico (University of Monterrey; University of Juarez Tabasco).


Spanish director of the joint program of journalism professors (USA Cultural Service and the Universities of Missouri and Columbia, 1986). Director of the Hispanic-North American Professorial Encounter – Communication and Freedom of Information, Fullbright Commission, UCM 1988; Director of “SPAIN, THE U.S. AND THE CRISIS OF 1898. A CENTENNIAL REVIEW”; University of Wyoming.

Doctorate Courses in Spain: University of La Laguna; University of Navarra; Pompeu Fabra University; University of Almería; University of Vigo; University of Pais Vasco; UCM; UCH; USPCEU.


Professor Nuñez has written 50 publications in indexed journals in the area of communication and social sciences, Scopus and JCR; among them: Revista Estudios Políticos (Political Studies Journal), Comunicación y Sociedad (Communication and Society), Derecho y Opinión (Law and Opinion), Analisi, Estudiosmensajeperiodistico (Journalistic Message Studies), Telos, Signoypensamiento (Signs and thought), PalabraClave (Key word), Anuario Filosófico (Philosophical Yearbook).


25 doctoral theses completed and approved since 1980; ten since 2006. These include:

“Entrepreneurial education in school instruction: measures and indicators of the situation in Spain in the European context”, “The family in the context of the new multi-screen environment. Exploratory Studies”.

Co-founder of the Journal of Information Sciences; Studies on the journalistic message; DOXA communication; Textual & Visual Media; Spanish Journalism Association, SEP.


Leopoldo Abad Alcalá

Leopoldo Abad Alcalá

Main researcher

BRECHAYMAYORES Group. Consolidated research group of the University CEU San Pablo. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación

Professor Abad holds a degree in Journalism from Complutense University and a Law Degree from National University of Distance Education (UNED). Doctor of Information Sciences from Complutense University.


Tenured Professor of Constitutional Law and the Masters Degree Program in Journalism of the El Mundo/Recoletos news group, the Masters Degree in International Law at CEU Business School, the Masters in Corporate Communication from TRACOR, and the Masters in International Relations of the University Institute of European studies. He has been a Visiting Professor of the Universities of Bordeaux (Montesquieu IV), Paris II/ Pantheon-Assas, Ecole Superieur de Comerce Exterieur of Paris.


Member of seven competitive research projects funded by public and private institutions, such as the General Directorate for Education and Culture of the European Commission, the General Directorate of Research of the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, among others.


Leopoldo is currently the Main Researcher (MR) of the BRECHAMAYORES Group for the PROVULDIG program, known as the Digital Vulnerability Activities Program, PROVULDIG-CM, financed by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund (S2015/hum-3434), as well as the project entitled “Digital Divide and Senior Citizens: Media literacy and e-inclusionâ€, supported by the General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.


He is the author of a large number of publications in the field of Information Law, notably the book “Public television in the 21st century” and “The 25 of Europe: political and economic challenges”, and an important number of scientific articles that deal with the legal aspects of news reporting.

María del Carmen García Galera

María del Carmen García Galera

Main researcher

Group PARTICYPAD. Consolidated research group of Rey Juan Carlos University. Facultad Ciencias de la Comunicación y del Turismo.
She is Full Professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. She teaches in various fields – Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations – also in subjects related to Research of Audiences and Media Planning, and in Strategic Planning of Public Relations.
Her main lines of research focus on the study of the effects of the media on children and young people, the uses and responsibilities of the new multi-screen environment, the participation of young people in social networks, and digital literacy. Her projects have received funding from both public and private organizations, highlighted by the institution known as Defensor del Menor (Children’s Defence Organization), the Autonomous Region of Madrid, Tuenti and the Fundación Telefónica (Telefonica Foundation). As a result of these investigations, different publications have appeared in both JCR-indexed scientific journals as well as in book chapters widely distributed in this area of study.
In recent years, some of her publications that stand out include the following: “Social Networks, a means of youth mobilization” in the Zer Communication Studies Journal; “Impact of social networks on forms of activism among young university students”, which appears in the book entitled Comunicación, infancia y Juventud (Communication, Children and Youth) from UOC publications (Open University of Catalonia); and the Directorate of the monographic journal Comunicar, “Media prosumers. The culture of participative audiences and media responsibilityâ€, July 2014.
Currently, she is Coordinator of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree at Rey Juan Carlos University. She is also President of the International Association for Research on Children, Youth and Communication – Kids & Com – which brings together the main research groups at the national level focusing on the study and analysis of the media, children and youth.
Javier Fernández del Moral

Javier Fernández del Moral

Main researcher

VILLANUEVA-OCS Group. Consolidated research group of the Villanueva Centre for Advanced Studies of Complutense University of Madrid.
Full Professor of Specialized Journalism at Complutense University of Madrid since March 1983 in the Faculty of Information Sciences, of which he was dean from 1990 to 1998.
Doctor of Chemical Science. Officially Certified Journalist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science. He has served as Director of Information Services for three ministries in the first democratic governments of Spain, as well as scientific journalist for several press organizations and national audiovisual media.
Founder and President of the Communication Management Association, Dircom. He has also been the M.R. on 16 Research Projects, three of which were official R & D ventures at the national level.
Author of six books in his area of expertise, twenty book chapters, and more than fifty journal articles. Member of a judge’s panel for several prestigious awards, among them the Prince of Asturias Award for Humanities and Communication. Director of more than fifty doctoral theses and more than eighty non-doctoral theses, DEA Endeavours, and Masters Degree Final Projects.
Researcher responsible for the VILLANUEVA-OCS group of the Program PROVULDIG –CM, Digital Vulnerability Activities Program. This program articulates a series of R & D activities among research groups of the Autonomous Region of Madrid in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Antonio García Jiménez

Antonio García Jiménez

Main researcher

GICOMSOC Group. Research Group for Communication, Society and Culture. Rey Juan Carlos University. Facultad Ciencias de la Comunicación y del Turismo.
Full Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. His teaching and research is oriented both to communication in cyberspace as well as documentation in the media. He was also Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Rey Juan Carlos University (2008-2014).
Antonio is coordinator of the GICOMSOC group (Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture) of the PROVULDIG-CM program, and director of the Masters Degree Program in Communication and Sociocultural Problems. He has participated and directed different projects and research contracts related to Internet use and its risk to minors.
He has participated in competitive projects related to information systems, organization of information on the web, and automatic generation of language. Some of his works include: “User-centred versus system-centred evaluation of a personalization system” (2008); “An approach to the concept of a virtual border: identities and communication spaces” (2010); “Promotion policies for Internet progress in the world” (2011); “Communication, childhood and youth. Situation and research in Spain†(2012); “The influence of social networks on adolescent online practices” (2013); “Problematic Internet use among Spanish adolescents: The predictive role of Internet preference and family relationships” (2015); and “Youth and news consumption through the Internet and social media “(2015).
Carmen Fuente Cobo

Carmen Fuente Cobo


VILLANUEVA-OCS Group. Consolidated research group of the Villanueva Centre for Advanced Studies of Complutense University of Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Información.
Holder of a PhD in Information Sciences from Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a degree in Journalism from the University of Navarra. She also holds a General Management Program Certificate (PDG) from IESE. Accredited as Full University Professor by ANECA.
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA-OCS group with more than 20 years of professional experience, Carmen has held, among other posts, the position of Content Director at ONO and Director of Thematic Channels at Planeta 2010 (Grupo Planeta). Intern for the University Teacher Training Program (MEC), the Fleming Program (British Council) and the Del Amo Foundation (Complutense University of Madrid). She has been a resident research associate at the European Institute for the Media (Manchester, UK) and visiting scholar at California State University (USA)
In 2005 she joined the Villanueva University Centre, where she is Assistant to the Area Directorate of Communication Degrees, and she also teaches in the Journalism Department. She is the author of numerous publications on ethics in the media and communication companies, child protection and communication policies.